  • Author: E.N. Joy Format: Ebook Publication Date: March 2011

    “While half the women in the neighborhood got dressed up in their Sunday’s best to go worship an invisible man, the real live men of flesh they laid down with every night was giving my mother praise. And although they weren’t putting ten percent of their earnings in some shiny collection plate, they were doing pretty good filling up my mom’s Crowne Royal bag that laid on her nightstand, next to her bed.”

    Ordained By The Streets introduces you to Poppa, or rather, Poppa introduces you to himself. A self-proclaimed street preacher, Poppa’s credentials and credibility don’t come from the church house or a preacher man; it comes straight from where it counts…the streets.

    More than eyes have seen or ears have heard, Poppa never becomes jaded by the lives and stories he encounters in his position on the streets. In this urban tract, Poppa encounters a girl whose mind he sets out to manipulate. After all, that’s what he does. But in this girl, Poppa just might have met his match.

    When this girl bares her soul to Poppa with details of her life, he has no idea just how much her story is going to change his life…forever.

  • ISBN: 978-1601626691 Author: E. N. Joy Format: Trade Paperback Price: $14.95 Publication Date: May 2014

    Paige begs to differ with the scripture that says God will not put on a person more than they can bear, because she is truly on the edge. One slight push from another one of life’s unexpected and unpleasant occurrences, and she’ll be free falling.

    As if having suffered physical, mental, sexual and spiritual abuse from her husband hadn’t weighed heavily on her enough, Paige had to deal with learning that her best friend and sister in Christ had done the ultimate no-no and slept with her husband. Thank God one of Paige’s co-workers, Norman, who she now deems as a true friend, was there to catch her fall before she hit the ground. But will Norman be there when Paige receives news that may not only push her off the edge, but cause her to jump willingly?

    In More Than I Can Bear, not only when it rains does it pour, but there is lightening and plenty of thunder to go along with it. Will Paige drown in the storm she finds herself in with no umbrella, or will she catch hold of the life saver God extends to her?

  • ISBN: 1-60162-783-1 Author: E.N. Joy Format: Trade Paperback Publication Date: May 2011

    E.N. Joy brings readers back into the lives of the DIVAS—the divine, independent, virtuous, and animated sisters of New Day Temple of Faith—in this fast-paced drama.

    Lorain is back from her sabbatical, and although God didn’t reveal to her all that she wanted regarding her past, she refuses to just let things be. When all the pieces of the puzzle come together, just how many lives will be damaged, and how many will be restored?

    The survivor of one of the most horrific experiences a person could ever endure, it appeared as though Sister Nita, as leader of New Day’s Janitorial Ministry, was hiding behind a mop and a broom. When her spirit discerns a cover-up amongst a couple of New Day’s members, will she turn a blind eye and mind her own business, or will she finally begin to operate in her true calling?

    Mother Doreen knows who she is and whose she is—a child of the King on assignment doing Kingdom work. When the plot thickens to a story on which she thought God had closed the book, will she forget who she is and what she was called to do?

    The New Day Divas series, known as a soap opera in print, is full of chance, coincidence, and fate, but more importantly, it’s full of faith.

  • ISBN: 1-60162-697-5 Author: E. N. Joy Format: Trade Paperback Publication Date: February 2015

    Lorain has been a prisoner of secrets almost all of her life. At the age of thirteen, she'd managed to keep her pregnancy a secret, discarding the infant she'd given birth to and leaving it for dead. She also never revealed the fact that the baby's father was her middle school guidance counselor. Years later, Lorain's mother had finally met the love of her life, and Lorain couldn't find the courage to tell her mother that her new beau was the man who molested Lorain. To complicate matters, Lorain discovered that the baby she'd abandoned all those years ago had survived, and God had placed Lorain in the now adult child's life. It seemed liked the legacy of secrets had been passed on, too, as Lorain helped her daughter conceal the true details behind her own pregnancy. 

    Lorain has managed to maneuver the secrets and lies like a strategic game of chess, and is now living the lavish fairytale life of a doctor's wife. But even that is a lie. With the rug about to be pulled from underneath Lorain by the woman who raised her abandoned child, all Lorain prays for is that everything will end well. In this cycle of lies, secrets, shame, and guilt, will Lorain get what she prays for?

  • Author: Edited by E. N. Joy featuring Karen Williams, Brandi Johnson, Iniko and Kiki Swinson Format: Ebook Publication Date: July 2011

    Featuring Essence Magazine Bestselling author Karen Williams, along with Brandi Johnson and Iniko, this book will have readers consumed with emotion.  But before it all even begins, National Bestselling author, Kiki Swinson, holds no punches in her introduction to what is sure to be the journey of a lifetime.

    Edited by award winning author E. N. Joy, Even Sinners Still Have Souls hits readers hard in the gut with its twisted, edge of the seat storylines and plots.  The characters draw the readers into their, often times, strange and distorted worlds.  With conflict and tension so high, the reader is almost forced to mentally endure the same daily struggles as some of the characters.

    Even Sinners Still Have Souls goes beyond the typical love, power and respect.  It branches off into a new dimension as characters try to go from just living the hood life, to living the good life.  It’s one of those few books sure to leave an imprint in the reader’s mind, footsteps on their soul and a message in their heart.

  • Author: E. N. Joy Format: eBook /Audio Publication Date: February 2015

    Behind Every Good Woman puts you in the passenger seat of the bumpy ride through Teal and Tyrone's loving yet sometimes volatile relationship. One minute every woman envies Teal and only dreams of having an attentive man like Tyrone to cater to her every need. The next minute no woman in her right mind would put up with him for even a day, let alone the seven years Teal has. Teal and Tyrone; T&T definitely stand for dynamite when it comes to the explosive ups, downs, and all-arounds of their love affair. Even with Tyrone's faults and foul acts, there is just something about him that makes him easy for Teal to love and even easier to desire. Will Teal sacrificing her true desires finally reach a breaking point that forces her to break things off with Tyrone...for good this time?

  • ISBN: 0-9706726-4-0 Author: Edited by E. N. Joy featuring Noire, Chunichi, KaShamba Williams, B.L.U.N.T. and Nikki Turner Format: Paperback / Audio  Publication Date: April 2008

    EVEN SINNERS HAVE SOULS Edited by E. N. Joy featuring Noire, Chunichi, KaShamba Williams, B.L.U.N.T. and Nikki Turner; These respected authorities have all come together for the first time ever, taking a break from penning their norm, to pen a piece of work that truly flowed from their spirits.

    In EVEN SINNERS HAVE SOULS, each gritty and profound story is told in a raw and real voice, luring the readers in by the poignant storylines, themes and the genuine talents and abilities of each of these prolific authors. The stories have characters who face the same struggles and tragedies that any other person growing up in the hood might endure, but what makes these stories phenomenal is the fact that although the characters might be living a dangerous, immoral and unacceptable lifestyle according to society’s standards, they are not so far gone that they can’t acknowledge the power of a higher being and a life changing moment that could alter their lives forever. Be prepared to be engaged, moved and compelled as in each tale you will see a side to these authors that you have never seen before. Do not expect what you are used to getting from these authors…expect the unexpected-EXPECT MORE!

  • ISBN: 1-60162-821-8 Author: E.N. Joy Format: Trade Paperback / Audio Publication Date: March 2012

    Out of all the divas at New Day Temple of Faith, Unique has to be the most colorful one–she and her mother Lorain, that is. Never one to hold her tongue in the name of keepin’ it real, it’s no surprise that Unique has not been saved all her life. It’s safe to say that Lorain wasn’t born on the church pew either. Let the church folk tell it, the apple hasn’t fallen too far from the tree when it comes to Unique.

    Lorain–once known as the tight skirt, V-neck blouse, too much makeup-wearing leader of the New Day Singles Ministry–claims she’s there to look out for her daughter and try to keep her in check. But how in the world does Lorain think she can even begin to keep her daughter on the straight and narrow with her own crooked life?

    Some might say Lorain has failed miserably as a mother when Unique ends up in jail for three counts of murder. One who would agree is the woman who raised Unique while Lorain was out living her life freely. As an all-out war takes place between Unique’s birth mother and the woman who raised her, will Unique have any support while she fights for her life behind bars? Will all forsake her while they are too busy with their own agendas? Only God holds the answer to this one.

  • Author: E.N. Joy Format: eBook Publication Date: March 2015 Hailey is fed up with Randall, the love of her life, but she refuses to give up. Their issues are not something they can discuss over a lunch Randall would have to squeeze into his busy schedule. No, for what Hailey wants to say and do, it's going to take the entire summer. But getting Randall to agree to it may not be so easy. Indulge in this crazy, quirky, romantic, quick read that proves some problems between couples may take a little longer than others to fix...but true love is always worth fixing.